Did you attend Connexion & the Social Health Awards ceremony?

We’d love to hear from you!

Did you participate in the 2023 Connexion Conference & the Social Health Awards?

If so…

  • What session did you enjoy most?
  • Did you learn anything new about health leadership?
  • What was your biggest takeaway?
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I’m so happy to have attended. I learned a lot from the speakers and other attendees. Everyone was so supportive and encouraging so I knew I was in the right place. My favorite part was the breakout groups to meet and chat/network with others

Hi @serena.theresa - Thank you for sharing your experience at Connexion! I really enjoyed the networking session as well with the breakout rooms! I got to meet one of the Social Health Awards winner (at the time finalist), had one of the speakers from the health leadership session AND another attendee where I learned we had numerous previous work acquaintances/connections! All in all, was such a kind, engaging, fun & supportive group!

Yes! I really enjoyed hearing about all the updates and new plans for SHN. My fave panel was the Networking one where we got a chance to get into smaller breakout rooms and get to know each other and SHN staff members better. I received so much support and positive feedback in my group and I hope to have more opportunities for real-time connections in the future!

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@eczema.phoenix - Oh, I love hearing that it was such an enjoyable time for you! It is truly always such an inspiring event! Not often in life, do we have the opportunity to be surrounded by such a large number of incredibly supportive people who “get it”! I appreciate you taking the time to share your experience! :blush: